Saturday, May 27, 2006

Another week down (almost)

Yes...I know I am counting too much but I can't help it. This week my girlfriend and I booked a couple of breaks for the month when I get back, seeing as she will start her new job in September and it promises to provide her with a very busy schedule. As a result, it will be nice to spend a couple of nights in Paris at the start of August, and a couple of days up at the Edinburgh Festival in mid-August, before I start to put some serious effort in to finding a job somewhere in the UK.

It will be nice to have a break from work. Although I get good holidays by most people's standards (particularly here in Japan), this year has been my first in full time employment, and the holidays don't really compare to those of a student.

This wek has been fun. I had a couple of nights out- one relatively quiet night at a friends flat, and then Friday night at a Korean Bibimba restaurant (which was delicious), before taking in couple of bars with about 15 or so other people (some old friends and some new).

In 7 more hours it will be my weekend, and I will only have 5 more Sunday's to teach (although 6 more wed-sats).


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