Saturday, February 04, 2006

Holiday Time (again!)

I can't wait until I finish teaching tomorrow.

At 8 o'clock, I will hot-foot it to Nagoya station to catch a bullet train to Tokyo, before heading to the airport on Monday to fly to sunny (and warm) Thailand.

It really is bitter in Gifu at the moment. I am glad my apartment is so small- it means I can at least get the place warm. It's been snowing again today, and I can't wait until we hit the beach (probably about Wednesday) after taking in Bangkok for a day or two. I can't wait- although to be honst, it only feels like a really short time since I was in Korea at Christmas- which is basically the reward for not taking any paid holidays in my 1st 6 months. It meant I only had to work for 5 of my last 6 months, and although the Christmas break took up some of that time, there are still plenty of holidays to come. I'm a lucky git really- Thailand in Februay, Hong Kong in March and in April my dad and then some friends will come to visit, during which time I will have a good few long weekends to enjoy.

My Japanese is getting steadily better. I have been studying a little harder- mainly because I realise that I only have a few months left in this country, so I really ought to get a shift on. Although I say I have improved, I am still shockingly bad, but not to worry. I don't suppose I will have much call to speak Japanese after return home in July.


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